
October 14, 2012

Brussels Sprouts with Cinnamon

I will never forget the first time I ate brussels sprouts. I absolutely loved the little green vegetables my Dutch host mom had made, but I had no idea what they were. When I asked, my host dad began translating "spruitjes" to English. After some confusion and much laughter, we landed on "brussels sprouts". I was so surprised that I was eating brussels sprouts- and enjoying them! 

Now, brussels sprouts are one of my favorite winter vegetables. To me, they are a comfort food and bring back so many memories of my Dutch family! Plus, they are exceptionally nutritious and are a perfect side dish for so many meals.

 I've tried to make them just the way my host mom always did: simply steamed and sprinkled with cinnamon! 

To make, steam the brussels sprouts over boiling water for 10 minutes, or until they are tender in the middle. Add a dash of cinnamon on top and serve. Although cinnamon and brussels sprouts seem to be an odd combination,  it is quite tasty. The cinnamon brings out the flavor of the sprouts and gives them a little sweetness. 

Eet smakelijk!

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