

Hi! I'm Sarah. I love making food that loves me back. 

In other words, I am devoted to making food that is free from gluten, wheat, rice, soy, and refined sugar. 

Why, you might ask, would someone do a crazy thing like that? 

In the summer of 2012, my sister, and roommate, started on a grain-free diet to combat various health issues. Grocery shopping and meal planning became a big challenge, and we got really sick of baked beans pretty fast. A baker at heart, I longed to once again make tasty cookies, breads, and buttery scones. So I set out to conquer the grain-free kitchen with a dream in my heart and a whisk in my hand. Trial and lots of error ensued. Along the way, I've learned that with a bit of creativity, luck, and science, nothing is off limits to the grain-free diet! 

En Guete!